Lab Norms
- Only trained and approved users are allowed to reserve a slot and operate Raman spectrometer on their own. (Other users please see point 8 below)
- Super-users will provide training and check individual users for approval.
- All trained user will be provided access to Raman spectrometer through biometric access control.
- All users must first make a reservation using online reservation system before using the system.
- For online reservation take a login access (username and password) to Mr. Govind ([email protected]). one-time process for login must be required. Once you get the login and password you are allow to book slots.
- System can be reserved for a minimum 2 hour and maximum 3 hours slot at a time and no more than 2 slots per user in a week. If your work requires longer duration or more slot prior approval of user-committee is required. System reservation can only be done in 3-hour slots.
- Users, you will have the flexibility to book Raman slots for a minimum of 2 hour and a maximum of 3 hours. After booking a slot, please send an email to the related lab staff/TA who is going to help you with the Raman measurements.
- As a trial, system will be available from 9:00AM to 9:00PM (4 slots of 3 hours each), 5 days a week and on Saturdays 10AM to 5:00PM for variable temperature measurements. Timings will be increased later depending on usage. Only super-users are allowed to use the system out-side these hours.
- Seven slots (M/T/W/Th/Fri - 9:00AM-12:00PM and T/Thu: 3:00-6:00PM) of every week are non-approved or un-trained users. Staff/TAs assigned to Raman spectroscopy will help such users with their measurements. Untrained users may request these slots online for Raman characterization of their samples with the help of TAs/Staff. These slots may increase/decrease in future as per demand.
- All users must fill the log-book accurately and completely including any concerns/remarks.
- At present we request only two users per group (preferably a PhD candidate).
- All users must use the system for their samples or samples from their research group only.
- All users must follow the standard operating procedures (SOP) and any deviation from SOP must first be cleared by facility in-charge.
- Non-adherence to the policies and un-approved usage of the system (including tempering and/or breaking of system/parts) will be dealt by the user committee.
- All users must ensure that they understand SOP and other safety guidelines clearly.
- All users must treat the system with respect and help in ensuring that system remains in perfectly working condition at all times. This is a department facility and is provided to users with-out any intermediary staff.
- All approved users must submit a signed copy of this document (sign by user and his/her supervisor) to facility-in-charge as acceptance of these policies.
- Non-Approved users should avoid to book slots on gazetted holiday, and Saturday Sunday.
- If you have specific questions/concerns or require a longer slot for special measurements, please contact the lab in-charge Prof. Shikhar Krishn Jha.